Ltp Submission - Forum North Theatre

Forum North Trust 2013 (FNT13) is a group of passionate and dedicated supporters of arts, culture, and economic growth in Whangarei.

We strongly advocate the development of a new lyric theatre in Whangārei, as part of the Forum North Entertainment Centre. We believe that such a theatre will not only enhance the cultural and social well-being of our community, but also provide economic and environmental benefits.

We urge the Whangārei District Council (WDC) to commit to building a new theatre in its long- term plan (LTP) for 2024-2034. We have prepared this submission to outline the reasons and the timeline for this project, as well as our contribution and commitment as a Trust with required passion and resources to assist.

Reasons to proceed:

  • Whangārei and Northland require a larger theatre - we are currently the only region of our size without one in New Zealand. The existing theatres at Forum North are outdated, inadequate, and inaccessible for many performers and audiences. A new theatre with a capacity of at least 700 seats will enable us to host a wider range of local, national, and international shows, as well as cater for larger and more diverse audiences.

  • A significant lyric theatre is a long-term intergenerational asset. It will serve current and future generations of Whangārei and Northland residents, as well as attract visitors and tourists to our region. It will also create opportunities for education, employment, and engagement in the arts and culture sector, which is vital for the well-being and development of our community. There has been a longstanding recognition and aspiration for a new theatre in Whangārei, but also a lack of action and commitment to make it happen. It is time to stop postponing and delaying this project, and instead seize the opportunity and momentum that we have now to turn this vision into reality.

  • It has been 40 years since we have had a 700+ seat venue. The last time Whangārei had a theatre with more than 700 seats was in 1981, when the Regent Theatre (Town Hall) was demolished. Since then, our population and demand for arts and culture have grown significantly, but our facilities have not kept up. We deserve a modern and fit-for- purpose theatre that meets the needs and expectations of Northland.

  • WDC currently have a one-time offer from the community on behalf of FNT13 to fundraise 50% of the theatre cost. We are a committed and credible community partner, who have demonstrated our ability and willingness to contribute to this project. We have already secured $2.5 million from private donors and trusts, and we have a realistic and achievable plan to raise more funds from various sources. We are offering to share the cost with WDC.

  • Building of a new theatre will conserve and develop the strategic community asset which is Forum North. Forum North is a valuable and iconic complex that houses a range of cultural, civic, and recreational facilities. However, it is also aging and in need of maintenance and development. A new theatre will not only complement and enhance the existing facilities, but also stimulate and catalyze the regeneration and revitalization of the whole complex and the surrounding area.

  • A new theatre satisfies all council's well-being criteria and will result in a community asset that will make Northland a better place to live. A new theatre will contribute to the social, cultural, economic, and environmental well-being of our community, in alignment with the four well-beings framework that guides the LTP. A new theatre will provide a venue for social connection, cultural expression, economic activity, and environmental sustainability. It will also improve the quality of life and the sense of pride and identity of our community.

Timeline and milestones:

2024-25: Theatre project commitment by WDC in the LTP. Necessary preliminary work is commenced Including:

  • Develop a master plan for Forum North which includes the new theatre and maintenance and development of existing facilities. (Current maintenance work - budget in the LTP pages 428-429)

  • Undertake community consultation

  • Develop theatre design and costing

  • Develop a business plan for construction and sustainable operating model.

The estimated cost of these preliminary works is $500,000 to be shared on a 50/50 basis between WDC and FNT. The total commitment for year 1 by WDC is $250,000.

2025-27: Fundraising by FNT13. Based on indications of fundraising success, construction procurement including design documentation, resource consent etc. The estimated capital cost of this work will be finalised in preliminary work but ultimately funded by WDC, FNT13, and external funding.

2027-29: Construction to proceed. 50/50 WDC and external funding. The estimated capital cost of the construction is to be shared by WDC, FNT, and external funding.

WDC Council contributions/fundraising/donations/external:

We are committed to raising 50% of the cost outside of the council. The breakdown of the funding sources is as follows:

Summary of Funding below:

External Funders


Preliminary, feasibility work





Fundraising (FNT) and Design






Construction begins. (est $40-60m Jasmax)



Outcome of Prelim work


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Whangarei, NZ

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